Status of Marine Mammal Species and Populations

Marine Mammal Commission

The table below provides a list of marine mammal species and populations listed as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), or designated as depleted under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). The MMPA gives special attention to depleted marine mammal species and populations. Species or populations are considered depleted if they are below their optimum sustainable population level, or are listed as endangered or threatened under the ESA.

Please visit our species of concern page or follow the links below to learn more about our work and what we do to help conserve marine mammals and their environment.

Evaluation of marine mammals for listing under the ESA is done by either the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (for sirenians, otters, walruses, and polar bears) or the National Marine Fisheries Service (all other species).

All marine mammal species are protected under the MMPA; some designated as depleted. Please visit the National Marine Fisheries Service website for more information on MMPA listings.