Neem oil for plants is a natural ally when it comes to fighting a large number of pests, so you can not miss taking care of your garden and creating an environmentally friendly way to control plant pests. It is also economical and very easy to use! Learn all about How to Mix Neem Oil for Plants in this article. Also, I give you tips on how to dilute neem oil for plants and the recommended ratio for mixing neem oil for plants. That’s why I recommend you to read this article to the end and take advantage of the video to learn how to apply it.
Neem oil is a natural insecticide widely used in organic farming, as it helps fight pests such as aphids and spider mites. It acts as a repellent, preventing insects from damaging plants. Also, if your plants are already affected, neem oil will help you to kill the bugs.
Neem oil is obtained from the seeds of Azadirachta indica also known as neem, Indian lilac, or neem, an ancient tree native to India.
Why does neem oil act as a natural insecticide for plants? Among its main components is Azadirachtin, which helps repel insects and also prevents them from multiplying, hence its effectiveness against multiple pests.
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The use of neem oil for plants as an insecticide is very widespread because it offers many advantages. The fact that it is natural and fights numerous pests must be added to its hydrophobic properties, which are quite useful when used as an insecticide in outdoor crops. Neem oil is not easily washed off the leaves, much less by rainfall, which is why it is so effective.
Neem oil for plants can be generalized to all types of crops and is also authorized in organic farming. It can be used for vegetables, fruit trees, vines, olive groves, legumes, and ornamental plants. After this brief introduction about neem oil for plants, we can now explain how to mix neem oil for plants correctly.
Neem oil, with a dark color, bitter taste, and intense aroma, is extracted from the seeds of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica). Originally from India, neem oil has multiple uses, including insecticide, acaricide, fungicide, and insect repellent.
As for fungi, neem oil is beneficial against mildew or powdery mildew, two of the most common and problematic in most crops and garden plants. It has also been proven effective against nematodes, so we can say that neem oil is universally used to combat almost any type of pest. The fact is that the composition of neem oil for plants is so complex that it is practically impossible for insects to adapt or create a specific resistance.
As for potassium soap, we are talking about another powerful ecological insecticide that, mixed with neem oil, is able to accelerate and strengthen all its properties. In addition, potassium soap has a powerful cleaning effect with which to eliminate the honeydew residues generated by insects. These residues that accumulate on the leaves can cause the appearance of fungi that are so problematic for your plants, as is the case of black mold.
The recommended ratio for mixing neem oil for plants is usually between 0.6 and 1 teaspoon of neem oil per 32 fl oz of water. We recommend that you use the same amount of neem oil as soap so that all the ingredients are perfectly integrated. We recommend these two brands of neem oil because they are the ones we use in our garden and have had success in fighting pests.