Get a head start on your college education by taking college-level classes on your high school campus.
In this section Home / Dual Credit Programs / Presidential ScholarsThis program is available to high school students whose schools have a dual credit agreement with Angelo State. Check with your high school counselor to see if your high school is currently a dual credit partner with us!
Students attending a public or private school do not need to complete the two additional steps below.
Homeschool students please also complete the following:
To be eligible for admission to the ASU dual credit program, individuals must meet the following admissions requirements:
Students may be required to meet additional requirements to enroll in specific courses.
Dual credit course registration will go directly through your high school. Please check with your high school counselor for available courses and possible enrollment requirements.
In order to enroll in a dual credit Math or English course at Angelo State, all students who do not meet TSI exemption requirements must take a TSI assessment test in Math and/or Reading and Writing. Score requirements are listed below. TSI assessment scores or exemptions must be recorded with ASU prior to enrollment.
ELAR College Readiness Clarification (CRC) Score of at least 945 and an essay score of at least 5
A CRC Score below 945 and a Diagnostic Level of 5 or 6 and an essay score of at least 5
A CRC Score of at least 950
A CRC Score below 950 and a Diagnostic Level of 6
*All college-level English courses require passing TSI scores in Reading and Writing.
**All college-level Math courses require passing TSI scores in Math.
Please reference your school’s agreement form to determine the anticipated cost for your courses.
Dual Credit
Map: Hardeman Student Services Center, 212
ASU Station #11014, San Angelo, Texas 76909